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Keeping Social And Academic Life In Balance


First, maintaining the highest possible grades is your first priority as a student.

Since humans are social creatures and long for interaction with other people, it is also crucial to have a good social life. Hence why keeping social and academic life in balance is important. 

Nowadays, students frequently struggle to strike a balance between their social lives and their academic obligations. 

According to a common stereotype, students who do well in school frequently have little to no social life and prefer to spend their days cooped up in their rooms or in libraries studying for the next exam

However, there are occurrences of naturally gifted individuals who seem to magically balance between having fun, going out, and socializing; and studying and getting good grades. 

And many students admire those individuals and hope to be someone who can balance between studies and social life just like them.

These individuals may be gifted naturally, but you can learn to balance between studies and social life just as well as they do. 

By following guidelines, keeping up with schedules, and keeping a positive outlook in life, one can take a step forward towards getting better at balancing social life and their studies. 

Here are a few ways that can help you balance academics and your social life:


  • Strike A Balance Between Your Activities 

Most students frequently make the mistake of failing to understand that excessive amounts of anything are never healthy. 

Too much time spent studying or going out to socialize and party is never beneficial for you, just as too much water can flood and wilt a flower. 

It could result in either academic exhaustion and stress buildup from excessively long study sessions or a poorer GPA from excessive socializing.

This is not to say that we are discouraging you from studying and going out, it is only to point out that there needs to be balance between the two. 

Have your weekdays for your studies and academics, and take a break every weekend by going out with friends to relieve stress and avoid academic burnout. 

Balance is always needed in all that we do and should never be overlooked as a chessboard with all black tiles would just be a black block of wood, while a chessboard with all white tiles can be akin to a piece of paper.

  • Time Management 

Making a schedule for your activities is one of the most crucial steps you can take to maintain a continual balance between your academic and social obligations. 

Establishing a definite time and date to complete these things can help you learn how to manage your time between studying and hanging out with friends.

Start by making a documented calendar of your free time and determining whether you want to use that time for study or socializing with friends. 

If you choose to study, divide your time into smaller chunks, give the subjects or topics you struggle with more attention, and always leave 5–10 minutes every so often for breaks. 

If you happen to choose going out with our friends, then make sure to set a limit for you to still have time to do your homework or any academic activity given by your school.

You also need to make sure to keep your socializing as close to weekends as possible. 

By doing so you essentially set up a unique rhythm which tells you to study and do academic activities during weekends and go out with your friends during weekends, given that you have nothing important to do.


  • Avoid Compromise 

What use is it to have a timetable if you won’t follow it? 

When you first start out maintaining balance, it can be quite difficult to say “no” to invitations and temptations from friends, but after the first few weeks pass, it will be a lot simpler.

Always keep in mind that you always have the option to decline a friend’s invitation. 

This demonstrates your commitment to sticking to your plan and the greater value you place on your time than they might have anticipated. 

Plus, if you leave a little anticipation for when you get out and socialize then it will be all the more enjoyable when you finally get to go out with your friends.

Having discipline within yourself by sticking with your schedule also prepares you for any future endeavor you may pursue as a good foundation is often the key to a building standing tall and proud even after decades of use.


  • Setting of Goals

It might be wise to set goals for yourself to achieve if you are still struggling to find motivation to spend your weekdays at home studying. 

You can do a lot to raise your morale and keep your spirits up by setting small but challenging goals like achieving an A on your calculus exams or getting a passing mark in your calculus classes. 

This forces you to keep up your habit in order to accomplish even more of the goals you have set for yourself.

However, it would be wise to keep your objectives within reach rather than aiming for the moon. 

In addition to the disappointment you can experience if you don’t succeed in obtaining the goal you worked so hard to achieve, setting goals that are too high can frequently be too taxing and may result in academic burnout. 

Keep your initial goals straightforward, then as you consistently achieve more and more, let them grow.

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