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Build Your Students Confidence By Doing This….


Students aren’t always going to get the results they want, even when they work hard. So it’s important to not focus praise on the end result but rather the process and work ethic students exhibited along the way.

However, in an attempt to make an excellent student out of life, building their confidence is very important. 

For instance, if praise is deeply tied to the end result, once the results aren’t there, students may begin to doubt their ability and their self-confidence can waver.

If these strategies don’t work, look at the task itself. Can you break it into smaller chunks? Have the child focus long enough to perform part of the task, then take a break, coming back to the project to finish. Children with attention struggles may actually perform the requested task faster with this strategy than if they simply tried to finish it all in one sitting.

Some children are going to struggle with attention more than others. As a teacher, you can take measures to help improve the attention of the kids in the classroom. All it takes is a little extra thought and work on your part to bring significant change for your students.

Develop the mind further through vocabulary. Memorization of vocabulary is helpful in building confidence and understanding. When you ask a question, expect students to respond using scientific jargon. Just as junior high vocabulary prepared students for high school, the memorization of terms at this level prepares students for college

Joining communities or groups related to the subject can be a great way to find resources and connect with like-minded individuals. Encourage students to learn from and support each other as they work towards mastering their confidence.

Teaching others can be a terrific way to stay inspired and interested in what you are studying. You can encourage students to do this through instructing or tutoring, giving a presentation at a workshop or conference, or publishing articles or blog posts about class subjects.

Importantly, building students’ confidence will include setting modest, doable goals, finding a study partner or accountability partner, or creating a reward system for themselves. Encouraging them to try these methods will enhance their confidence. 


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