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Overcoming Examination Fever




Examination fever may arise due to many reasons like lack of preparation, fear of failure, etc.  It is essential to have fear under one’s control. Watch out if you have the below symptoms and take proper care. 

  •  Anger, sweating, high BP, headache, fear, negative thoughts, panic attacks, increased heartbeat, and even exam fever before the day of the exam. A person gets affected physically and emotionally due to examination fever. 

How To Overcome Examination Fever? 

You can reduce unnecessary stress and pressure and come out victorious with the following tips. Here you go: 

  • Feel confident and stay optimistic.  
  • Create a timetable for every subject and follow it religiously.  
  • Don’t postpone revision. Finish it before two days of the exam. 
  • When you are not able to focus, take a few minutes break. Go for a walk and then begin to study. 
  • When it is a complex topic, discuss it with your friends or draw flowcharts for easy remembrance. 
  • Eat properly, and only this will ensure proper physical and mental health. 
  • Practice meditation to increase your concentration. 
  • Highlight important points while reading, which will help you during revision. 
  • Make flashcards with essential points that will make studying more enjoyable. 
  • Never postpone practicing a complicated problem. Get help from teachers or friends and learn to solve it.

How To Overcome Examination Fever  On The Day Of The Exam: 

  • Stay cool. Believe and give your best shot. 
  • Don’t skip breakfast.  
  • Check if you have pens, pencils, and all other materials before you leave for the exam. 
  • Reach your examination hall early to avoid last-minute tension and traffic.  
  • Keep your mind calm and read the questions carefully before you begin to answer. 
  • Always stick to time in answering every question. 
  • Allocate 10 minutes for revision before you hand over the paper.

Staying Motivated During Examination

Many get examination fever or exam phobia. Students have this phobia and cannot shine through their exams even though they are brilliant, hard-working, and well prepared. What is the point of knowing everything but failing to deliver due to fear and other negative thoughts? It is highly essential to overcome exam fear and concentrate on your studies. Just relax and calm your nerves. Now a few relaxed exam time quotes to bring a smile to your face! 

  • You can do it. 
  • Don’t lose hope! Just keep working hard. 
  • Believe in yourself. 
  • You will come out with flying colors! Stay confident. 
  • Now or never! Stay put! 
  • There’s nothing to stop you! Charge ahead!

You can choose some good exam time quotes and paste them onto your study table. Reading that every day will boost your confidence and help you to overcome examination fever. 

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