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5 techniques you can use for your creative essays


Every English exam has an aspect of creative writing you cannot run away from. To get consistent distinctions in your English essays, you need to embrace certain techniques that will unleash your creativity. The techniques are as follows:

  1. Start with a scenario that will hold your examiner’s interest: Put yourself in your examiner’s shoes for a while. You have a lot of scripts to mark, and you still need to run to the nearest store to get some groceries for the week. For you to stay with a creative essay, you need an introduction that will hook you to one point till you finish the entire essay. Now, give that introduction to your examiner for your advantage.
  2. Create your character based on a real-life person you know: This will unleash your creativity and give your work an original outlook that will further make your story interesting. You don’t have to copy everything about that real-life person; you can add twists and turns that will make it different from what that real-life person did.
  3. Read creative essays before you start writing: When you surround yourself with resources of great creativity, it rubs off on your creativity. So invest in creative books and read them before the day of writing your English essays.
  4. Practice creative writing before the day of exams: Creative writing gets better with practice. The more you practice, the more you unleash your creativity.
  5. Write down your daydreams: Taking note of your daydreams will also help you unleash your creativity in that creative writing project.

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  1. Tutor 1 says

    Thanks for your kind words. We are glad you find it useful

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