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5 steps to become the best version of yourself


Your seatmate in class is not your competition. You are your own competition. You should strive to be better than you were yesterday. Here are 5 steps to become the best version of yourself:

  1. Focus on your goals: You cannot afford to be distracted with anything aside from your goals. Is your goal to become the best graduating student in your class? Then, you have to focus on that so that everyday, you come closer to achieving your goals.
  2. Find a balance between work and play: It’s just like the old Proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So, as you learn, make sure you have fun. Participate in social activities in your school; it will improve other parts of your brain.
  3. Learn how to say no to other people’s requests of you: This is not to say that you can’t explain a term to your friend; but do not take it upon yourself to school a person. You cannot be writing notes, doing assignments and covering up for someone who is playing truancy. If your friend is experiencing difficulty in learning, refer them to a teacher or the Afrilearn App. Don’t say yes to other people’s requests at your own detriment.
  4. Have friends that work towards the common goal: You cannot be aspiring to be the best graduating student in your class while your friend does not even care about the grade he graduates with. This is why you should have friends with whom you can share common interests.
  5. Take care of your health: You cannot become the best version of yourself if you do not take care of your heath. Make sure you sleep well and eat well. Your body is connected to your mind and if you don’t take care of your body, you are not taking care of your mind.

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