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3 ways to determine if you are ready to write JAMB


Time keeps ticking and the JAMB exam date keeps drawing nearer. At Afrilearn, we believe that it is possible to pass JAMB in one sitting with high marks. To do this, you must first be sure whether or not you are prepared enough to write the exam. There are ways to determine your level of preparedness and they are as follows:

  1. Assess yourself with JAMB’s past questions on the Afrilearn App: Past questions are really important when you want to determine how ready you are to write JAMB. If you are able to solve the timed past questions on the Afrilearn App without looking at your notes, then you are ready to write JAMB. If you are however unable to do this, let the areas where you didn’t know so much guide you on where to read.  When you do this, take the past questions again until you justify your level of preparation.

2. Check if you have exam phobia: Exam phobia could point to the fact that you are not really prepared for the exam. If you have exam phobia, trace your fears to that subject where you have clear doubts. Ask for the help of a tutor on the Afrilearn App and then we will be willing to clear off your doubts and ease your fears.

3. Finish reading your syllabus: This might seem impossible; but reading all parts without leaving one is a guaranteed way of adequate preparation for JAMB. So no matter how cumbersome it appears, make sure you finish reading the syllabus. That will boost your confidence in the examination room. The whole syllabus is present on the Afrilearn App; download it via HERE or HERE.

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